It's a Small World After All
When I first joined FaceBook, my intention was to use it to 'stalk' people. Really, I enjoy looking at photos of my friends and often times I bookmark their blogs to find out what they are up to. I feel that it's a great way to see a glimpse of their lives. With that said, I was surprised when I was contacted by my friend from almost 17 years ago. What are the odds of her finding me?
We met at Ikebukuro and after some hard-core shopping, eating, and drinking, I found out that she went to the same Middle School as Jimmy! WHHAAAT??
Here we are =) *My favorite is the second one with the wig and hat...*
We met at Ikebukuro and after some hard-core shopping, eating, and drinking, I found out that she went to the same Middle School as Jimmy! WHHAAAT??
Here we are =) *My favorite is the second one with the wig and hat...*

...and just in case you are wondering, the sticker picture machine thingy in Japan is SOOO advanced now. You practically walk into a studio with insanely bright lights and endless options. Then, you go to another booth to basically graffiti your photo with stamps, stars, quotes, wigs, etc. It's quite addicting for $4.
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