I'm not much of a coffee person. The only time I go to Starbucks is when Jimmy gets gift cards for fixing some random computer or doing favors for people. Many of you don't know this, but back when I was in college, I used to work at a coffee shop. Those were the times when I got FREE espresso, mocha, cappuccinos, lattes, etc. After that, I never really want to pay for coffee. Why should I? I used to get it for free...everyday.
BUT, the Koontz' are now proud owners of a brand new espresso/frothing device. Yup, my dad got this from Century Plaza Hotel for his 25th year of service. We had this thing sitting on our dinky apartment floor for awhile, but it is now officially out of the box and working hard, providing us with delicious coffee.
Our first brew was a batch of "cookiedoodle" from Sprouts.
Frothing my milk...
Before and after the frothing...can you tell the difference?
Voila! Caffe latte with a shot of hazelnut...and my pathetic attempt to make a "heart".

Oh, I'm also in LOVE with this machine because it makes our apartment smell
sooooooo good!