Monday, January 26, 2009

It's Official!

It's official! Nope, I'm not pregnant. Nope, I didn't get a pink slip (I'm a teacher). It's official though...JIMMY IS GOING TO LEAVE ME FOR VALENTINE'S DAY! Can you believe that? He's going to be a youth advisor for our high school church camp. I know, I's great that he's doing this AND it's not like we reaaallly celebrate Valentine's but I still don't want to be alone! To top it off, he's going to be gone for the WHOLE WEEKEND...which means that I'll be lonely and pathic starting from Friday night.


Well, I know it's not a post unless there's a picture, so here's an old photo of him. **I tried taking a new one, but he became suspicious...It's ok though, he never checks my blog**

I'm telling myself that it's ok...I'll be off to Vegas with my bestest friend for the WPPI convention the day after V-day. It's ok...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dirty Little Secret

Recently I have received several e-mails asking about my post-shoot editing process. I would like to give you a solid answer (ie. Step 1, step 2, step 3), but I actually don't have any one particular way I edit my photos. Even if I did, I won't remember because I try to do 10+ things at once. I do my usual color correction and saturation, but other than that, it depends on the photo itself. I'm an action addict so most of my photos have some sort of action ran before getting to my final image. Oh, and one other thing...I love light so I do anything I can to make the images look like there was an abundance of light shining on the subject.

Here are some before and afters

Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Little Miss T

How is it that I'm surrounded by the most adorable kids? Prepare for a long was basically impossible to narrow down my choices...oh, and its also impossible to view any of these photos without smiling. I DARE you. Yup, its THAT cute.





I think she looks like a tiny ladybug. Red with black polka-dots!

She has the most beautiful eyes...this is when Miss T was smiling at her mom. I tell you, moms get the BEST smiles!

The princess wandering in the forest.

Wardrobe change!

The next two photos are my favorite! ADORABLE!!!

She looked at the back of my camera and exclaimed, "You took a picture of my eyelashes!"

After all the hard work, we HAD to let her play! (It's also VERY hard to say "no" to her)


There you are!

I decided the last photo should be in black and white...I think it captures her true beauty. Don't you agree?

Ok, I lied. One more photo

- Until next time! Thanks for checking in!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Once upon a January day...

Just a few weeks ago, I started noticing the leaves changing colors, and let me tell you, it is absolutely beautiful! For those of you who don't know, my favorite color is red, so you can imaging how excited I was to see the streets lined with red, red, and more red! I have always dreamed of photographing people in the fall leaves, so when Melanie agreed to be my guinea pig, I became so giddy!

Here are some are the you can tell, the light was perfect!

My beautiful model =)

...and of course, a shot of my hubby enjoying (?) the fall leaves!

What do you think?

Thursday, January 01, 2009


I just want to wish all my blog readers a Happy New Year!

I would post my never-ending new year's resolution, but I'm not that confident. I'll let you know in exactly a year which ones I've met.