Friday, August 29, 2008


I have to admit, I love getting on the bandwagon. I remember in college when the Lakers were in the playoffs and I went to go to my friend's to cheer them on. Let me tell you that I do not have an ounce in my body that cares for any type of sport. And for the last several weeks, I was hooked on the Olympics. I just like being in the "know". Well, I discovered another "thing" to care about. Cupcakes. Yup. That's the next trend. CUPCAKES. I have now decided that I am going to be a cupcake master. Dum dum dummmm....

What do you think? I think I did a pretty good job considering it's my first time. Btw, I'm going for the look, not for the taste!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sister, sister

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there" ~ Amy Li

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Puppy Love

I don't think I have ever met a couple or anybody so in love with their dog. It's not just a dog...its IMPORTANT member of the family. I'm not much of a pet photographer, but I had so much fun photographing this family. Can't you just feel the love oozing out?

Proud parents

The frame is back!

My absolute favorite =)

Getting some love from momma

Daddy's pride and joy...I love his smile!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Squirty Park

Yesterday Jimmy and I went to the "Squirty Park" with Little R. You should have seen the kids literally squeal as water came squirting out from various places. I didn't get wet, but I had a huge smile on my face the whole time.

Totally focused.

Water war!!!

Love this one.

The big kid having too much fun.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Part Deux

Just like I promised, here are some more of baby J. Time after time, I have photographs that I never get tired of looking at. I think the last one is one of those photos...

Jumping up and down with the help of his mom. Ahhhhh...the life of a baby.

I love how baby skin photographs in black & white...

Absolutely amazing eyes...

Itsy Bitsy Spider...

Today I met one of the most adorable baby! I soon as Little J started to jump up and down, I wished my camera was able to record sound! Oh, and the smile on his face when his mom sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" was priceless. To top it off, Little J's momma and I went to Elementary School together. We are both proud Lincoln Lions =) WHooo Hooo!

Here are my favorites....

My favorite shot...I think it's his sincere eyes and his totally awesome shoes!

More to come sure to check back!


Yesterday I had the opportunity to photograph Y & Y's engagement session. Despite the fact that there were surrounded by LOTS of people, (what do you expect? It's summer in So Cal!) they braved it out with smiles. Here are my favs!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Two Front Teeth

Meet Little E, an adorable 8 month old with the cutest smile. Lucky him, he has the most musically talented and fun parents! My friend is sure that Little E is going to be a dancer when he grows up...what do you think? At any rate, he is going to be one handsome boy! Here are my favorites...

His smile is so irresistable!

Hanging onto mommy's and daddy's hands...

This is my favorite shot of the day. I can't decide if I like the color or the b&w.

...or this one...

Chill'in on daddy's shoulder...