Last Saturday I had the opportunity to spend a whole day with THE Drew B of Drew B Photography. You see, I'm a self-proclaimed blog stalker, and let me tell you, I will stalk any and all of my favorite photographers. ALL DAY LONG. Soooo...when I found out that Drew was doing a mentoring session, I jumped (literally) at the chance. And just as I imaged, Drew was helpful, open, and so giving! I'm still a little overwhelmed by the whole experience.
Drew also has an awesome momtog blog to help moms photograph their little ones. She has lots and lots of tips and tutorials, so be sure to check it out! To top it off, she even arranged an urban photo session! Here are some of my favs.

H-O-T!! I wish I was able to pull off a pair of red heels like her!

I love me some tie action!
Oh, and did I tell you we had the BEST models? They did everything we asked them, including laying down on the landing and sitting in the alley. LOVE IT!
...and finishing off with my favorite of the day...